Pasting Agents

Pasting Agents

Pasting agents are also known as thickener, which can be divided into natural and synthetic pasting agents based on its source. Pasting agents have colloidal properties, and it can be used in food to add slipping property and glutinosity, which stabilize the structure of food; as a result, it is also called stabilizer. In addition, pasting agents can increase the content of solids in food, inhibit forming of ice crystals during the frozen storage, and improve product’s quality; also, with its hydrophilic property, it can enhance water binding capacity and facilitate emulsification.

Product name Product name
CMC CRT 30PA Xanthan Gum
CMC CRT 1000PA Sodium Polyacrylate
CMC CRT 4000PA07 Nenkyo M
CMC CRT 10000PA Konjac Gel Powder NO.1
CMC CRT 30000PA Konjac Gel Powder AA
CMC CRT 30000GA Soon Gellar A
CMC C+S 100PA Konjac Gel Powder SH08
CMC C+S 2000PA Konjac Gel Powder P
Carrageenan Quick Powder A
Guar Gum Quick Powder B
Locust Bean Gum(LBG) Do-Hwa Powder
Arabic Gum Frappcuuino Stabilizer
Gelatin Crystal Gel
Pectin Pudding Gel
Sodium Alginate Cheese Stabillizer
Agar An Lin Chyi C
Pear Meat A An Lin Chyi GL
Hydroxypropyl Distarch An Lin Chyi M
Hydroxypropyl Distarch An Lin Chyi T
Acetylated Distarch Adipate
Distarch Phosphate (TD-20)

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